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Improved circulation
Tighten Pores
Stress reduction
Pain Relief
Respiratory Health

Immerse yourself in the crisp, alpine ambiance of our snow room, a frosty retreat that stands as a refreshing contrast to traditional wellness environments. This unique space not only enhances circulation and aids in detoxification but also offers a rejuvenating experience, ideal following sauna or steam sessions.

How does it work?

Experience the invigorating chill of our snow room, a refreshing oasis that transports you to a winter wonderland, regardless of the season. As you step inside, the snow room’s frosty embrace, reminiscent of alpine peaks, offers a rejuvenating contrast to the outside world. Ideal after a sauna or steam session, the snow room’s cooling environment promotes circulation, detoxification, and relaxation.


Before entering a snow room, it’s a good idea to take a warm shower to open up your pores. Dress in a swimsuit or light, moisture-wicking clothing. Footwear like flip-flops can help keep your feet from direct contact with the cold floor. Make sure you’re well-hydrated, but avoid heavy meals right before the session. If you have any medical conditions, consult a healthcare professional beforehand. Once you’re prepared, step into the snow room and embrace the chill for about 2-5 minutes to experience the full range of benefits.

What to expect

In a snow room, expect a chilly environment designed to mimic a winter setting, complete with snow-like substances on the ground and cool air. The temperature is usually well below freezing. You’ll initially feel a sharp cold, which should quickly give way to a tingling sensation on your skin. This experience can be invigorating and is intended to improve circulation, boost your immune system, and provide a refreshing contrast if you’re alternating with heat therapies like saunas. While it’s chilly, the sensation is often described as exhilarating rather than uncomfortable.

Recommended Usage

Snow rooms are designed for short, intense exposures to cold, generally ranging from 2 to 5 minutes per session. If you’re new to this kind of therapy, you might start with a shorter time and gradually work your way up. Many people choose to alternate between the snow room and other heat-based therapies like saunas or steam rooms, aiming to maximise the benefits of contrast therapy for improved circulation and immune support.

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